Rumpus crossword clue
Rumpus crossword clue

rumpus crossword clue rumpus crossword clue

Others include FEDERAL JUDGES and BASKETBALL AT THE WHITE HOUSE GYM. If the dots look a little smushed and fat on the sides, it’s beer-barrel-polka-dotted. 42-Across: To be is to be POLK A-DOTTED.The more conservative celebrity impersonators are PRIM MADONNAS. Because, you know, there’s not much deader than doornails. 17-Across: To be is to be as DEAD AS A DOORNAIL.You’ll note that the ADO in every theme entry sits exactly in the center: Updated Monday morning: Martin Ashwood-Smith’s CrosSynergy/Washington Post crossword, “Rumpus Room” – Sam Donaldson’s reviewĥ4-Down says that ADO is the. I do like the theme, which hits the Monday sweet spot by being simple but still fresh (although younger solvers may have been mystified by 35a). It just had a lot of stuff that evoked the ’70s, that’s all.ģ.5 stars. Of course, a real 1979 puzzle would most likely have felt unpleasant to 2012 me, whereas this puzzle worked just fine and does not at all have a Maleska vibe of horrible, obscure fill. JIFFY LUBE was then a small new chain of auto service centers. ORK was super-hot pop culture at the time. ZETA and ETHAN could have been clued differently. Except for 30a: IMAC, I don’t think anything in the grid couldn’t have been found in a crossword of 1979. The puzzle gave me a distinct “it came from no later than 1979” vibe from MALTEDS and the Chris EVERT/ ARTE Johnson crossing, and then the FLASHBULB sealed the deal. I am from the generation that had the nifty four-sided flashbulb cubes that you only had to replace after every four flash photos. Santa’s TWINKLING EYES, “in a twinkling.” Keep seeing this as Twin Kling-eyes, from Jamie Farr’s M*A*S*H character.

rumpus crossword clue

Four lively phrases begin with words that double as synonyms for “brief moment”:

Rumpus crossword clue